Catholic Identity

Christ the King School is built on the Good Samaritan tradition of education and faith in action. We develop, nurture and promote our Catholic tradition to our community and beyond through our life experiences in liturgy, prayer, sacraments, community service and hope for all.


Mass is celebrated in the Samaritan Hall on the first Friday of each month within school terms at 9:00am.  Mass is an opportunity for the community to come together as students, staff, parents, families and parishioners in formal prayer.

Students and staff are involved in planning - reading, procession, singing and reflection.

Families and parishioners are invited to participate in all masses and prayer services across the year and most masses are followed by a morning tea with an open invitation to all.

Whole School Prayer Services

Prayer at Christ the King extends beyond mass. Prayer takes place within classrooms, staff room, assemblies and camp.  More formal Prayer Services take place at certain times of the year e.g. Holy Week, Lent, Harmony Day, Book Week, End of Year - Graduation, Grandfriends Day.

Sacrament Program

Christ the King works closely with the Parish of St Joseph and the other parish school of McAuley Community School to deliver a family-based Sacramental Program as set forth in the Policy for the Initiation of Children into the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Adelaide. Year 4-6 students are invited to enrol in the Sacramental Program, attend an interview and Parent Information evenings. Both parent and child participate in a series of small group sessions leading up to each ceremony. Parents are welcome to discuss their child's readiness with the APRIM or parish priest if needed.

Outreach Programs

Student and families at Christ the King School are involved in a variety of outreach programs:

  • Caritas - Lenten program
  • Social Justice Leaders - fundraising events
  • Journey to Emmaus
  • Community - support for past and present families