Term 4 Week 7 2023
Hello Friends
The past weeks have been busy ones for all of us at CTK. Teachers are in the final stages of assessment and reporting procedures and we have been examining staffing needs for 2024.
It gives me great pleasure to inform you of our staff for 2024. I know that our students will be in great educational and caring hands.
Staffing 2024
I write to advise you that Sarah Doyle will be leaving us at the end of this year. Sarah has worked at our school since July, 2020. Sarah has done an excellent job on the front desk at CTK as well as working behind the scenes in a multitude of administrative capacities. We wish Sarah all the very best for the next chapter in her professional career. Sarah will continue her work at Sacred Heart College. Thank you for all of your work at our school, Sarah.
ESO Administration: Meri Blake
ESO Administration: TBA
ESO Administration: (Finance): Niamh McKeough
ESO Administration: (WHS): Cathy Keogh
ESO Maintenance: Rob Miech
ESO Curriculum: Di Fulwood
ESO Curriculum: Robyn Dingle
ESO Curriculum: Bryant Crowley
ESO Curriculum: Frances Grocke
ESO Curriculum: Cheyann Gatter
ESO Curriculum: Mia Pearce
ESO Curriculum: Jaime Topham
ESO Curriculum: Angus Harrison
ESO Curriculum: Gloria Camilleri
Digital Communications and Marketing: Alice Griessl
Reception: Bec Pynor
Reception: Georgina Rowe
Year 1: Hannah Winter
Year 2: Sophia Sacoutis (0.9 FTE) and Alina Choy (0.1FTE)
Year 3: Lucy Knagge
Year 4: Jocelynne Gallichan
Year 5: Annette Denton
Year 6: Anne Marie Hall
Music: Matt Young
PE: Matt Young
Japanese: Sensei Phillips
Resource Based Learning: Teresa Pascoe
EAL Teacher: Sophia Sacoutis
APRIM: Teresa Pascoe
Leader of Learning/Inclusive Education Coordinator: Emma Heinrich
Principal: Matt Perry
Staff Introductions
Georgina Rowe
My name is Georgina Rowe, and I am very excited to be teaching in Reception at Christ the King. I am originally from England and have been teaching in Australia for many years within the Catholic education system. I am married and have two sons and a beautiful labradoodle. I love walking on the beach with the family, taking my kayak out on adventures, travelling to new and exciting places, as well as simply relaxing with a good book and a comfy chair! I eagerly look forward to getting to know the Christ the King school community alongside my Reception class. We will have a fun classroom atmosphere, filled with exploration, learning new skills and making many friends.
Jocelynne Gallichan
I am delighted to offer my warmest greetings to the Christ the King family as I begin this exciting new chapter as an educator at your school. My name is Jocelynne Gallichan, and it is a great honour for me to become a part of this community. South Africa has been my home for most of my life, and it's where I both studied and taught for eight years. In 2022, my family and I made the move to Adelaide, which we now proudly call home. Currently, I am teaching a year 4 class at Tenison Woods Catholic School in Richmond. Beyond my passion for education, I am a devoted wife and mother who finds joy in watching movies and cherishing quality moments with my daughter. I look forward to meeting my 2024 learners and creating new memories.
Annette Denton
"Hello to all at Christ the King, Warradale! My name is Annette Denton and I have the privilege to join you all at your wonderful school in 2024. I have been teaching for many years in Catholic Education and in the city of Broken Hill which is only a half hour over the South Australian border - in outback NSW. I have two amazing daughters who grew up in Broken Hill and are now pursuing further study. I love the arts and am passionate about learning and creativity and inspiring our young people to be the best they can be. When I'm not in the classroom, you may find me in the garden, in the midst of a 'reno' project or at the gym. I'm looking forward to watching the Crows and the Adelaide Thunderbirds in action and above all being closer to the other superstars in my life - my family."
Our Uniform (subcommittee from School Board) is working with Belgravia on prototypes for our uniform, moving into the future. Once we have gathered some options together, we will display them in the school for community consultation and feedback. At this stage, the School Board aims to phase in the new uniform in Term 4, 2024.
Once again, I remind parents and community members about not stopping in the road to collect or drop children off to school. Please make sure vehicles are parked in a legal and safe manner and allow children to exit and alight vehicles safely. If your child walks/rides/scoots home from school, please make sure your child’s classroom teacher is aware of this.
“No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again.” Buddha.
Thanks and blessings
Matt Perry
If you have visited our front Office this week you will have come across our 4 Advent candles, these candles were made by the classes during the past few weeks.
The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word “adventus,” it means “a coming, arrival or coming. Candles are used as a sign of welcome, as mention In this column when people light a candle on All Souls’ Day. Advent is a time of waiting and preparing. Homes and churches begin to decorate ready for the arrival of Jesus at Christmas. They build Advent wreaths, each of our classes have created a wreath in their classroom sacred spaces.
The Advent wreath is a sign of everlasting life- hence the evergreen wreath. The candles have specific colours and meaning.
Advent week 1 – Hope: Prophecy Candle (purple)
Advent week 2 – Peace: Bethlehem Candle (purple)
Advent week 3 – Joy: Shepherd’s Candle (pink)
Advent week 4 – Love: Angel’s Candle (purple)
Christmas- He has arrived (white)
As a school we gather each Friday (Wednesday Wk 9), of the last weeks of term to count down the weeks and prepare for the coming of Jesus. We will then light another candle in the Front Office.
As you pass through the Front Office you may wish to take a moment to think about the reason for the Season and give thanks for the birth of Christ.
We will celebrate our own Giving Tree event on the day of our Christmas Party. Families are invited to donate a gift to be placed under our Giving Tree. Please bring along an unwrapped gift and the children will place it under the tree at the start of the Christmas Party. Vinnies will collect the gifts to distribute to local families in need.
END OF YEAR MASS-Nativity and Farewell
We will gather as a community on Friday 8th December, 9am to celebrate our year, share the Nativity story and say farewell to staff who are moving onto other adventures.
All members of our community are invited to join with us in sharing mass, watching our youngest students retelling the Nativity and saying farewell to staff during mass and with a Morning Tea afterwards. An invitation to families was sent home and asked for an RSVP to info@christking.catholic.edu.au for catering purposes.
Teresa Pascoe
APRIM (Assistant Principal, Religious Identity and Mission)
This term in our Library/ Digi-Tech lessons we have been looking at forced perspective. The students have found this type of photography fascinating. To capture this fascination, we will run a photographic competition through the summer holidays.
Students are invited to take a photo that shows forced perspective and share it with the school. Entries can be emailed to me at tpascoe@christing.catholic.edu.au from the 20th of January.
Students are invited to take a photo between the last day of 2023 school year and the First day of 2024 school year showing some form of forced perspective. Entries will be displayed ion the Library window for all to admire. A Book Voucher will be awarded to the winner. A competition handout has been given to children during lessons this week.
Assembly for presenting certificates and medals, everyone welcome.
Teresa Pascoe
Important Dates
2024 Reception Parent Evening
CTK Carols Evening
End of School Mass
Thanksgiving Mass & Graduation
Term 4 Final day for students
End of Year Assembly
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
CTK Calendar

CTK School Calendar can now be accessed through the Audiri App.