Term 4 Week 1 2023
Hello Friends
A warm welcome to Term 4. I trust that the term holidays were an opportunity to break routine and provided some family time and opportunities for connectedness with family and friends. For those community members who enjoy numbers, there are only 40 school days in Term 4. That time promises to go fast.
There are many exciting events occurring this term and so I ask that you save the following dates in your diary. More details about the events will be made available closer to the events however, please be aware of the following dates for:
- School Concert at the Capri Theatre: 1 November
- 2024 Reception Transition mornings occur on Fridays Weeks 1 – 8 this term
- Athletics Carnival for Year 3 – 6 on 8 November
- Year 3 Excursion to the Museum 14 November
- Reception and Year 1 Swimming Week 20-24 November
- 2024 Reception Parent Evening 29 November
- AquaSplash Fun Day Year 6 – 6 December
- Carols Evening on the Courts 1 December
- End of Year School Mass 8 December
- Thanksgiving Mass and Graduation 12 December
- End of Year Assembly and Final Day for Students – 13 December
Congratulations to our Yr 5 and Yr 6 choir who took part in the Catholic Schools Music Festival at the end of Term 3. The Music Festival was the culmination of many months of hard work and dedication by the Yr 5 and Yr 6 students who formed part of the 320 strong student Festival Choir in the Festival Theatre in Adelaide. The Choir was led by Matt Young, Thanks also to Anne Marie Hall and Gloria Camilleri
We congratulate Bec Pynor, Hannah Winter and Lucy Knagge on securing teaching positions at our school for 2024 and beyond. We thank Bec, Hannah and Lucy for all that they have brought to our school and their students and look forward to them being a part of our school in the future. Congratulations and well done.
Please remember to let the office know via info@christking.catholic.edu.au or complete the eForm on Audiri (previously Skoolbag app) if you are not returning to school in 2024. This helps with planning for the coming year. I thank you for your assistance in this area.
“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength”.
Thanks and Blessings
Matt Perry
We are a-buzz here at school as we prepare for the upcoming Whole School Concert. The Biblical Scholar Thomas Aquinas wrote ‘when we sing we pray twice”. I’m not sure if that stretches to some of our tunes but all are sung heartily and with joy. Art invites us to an encounter, which is a gift—a spiritual gift that might bring us into a deeper relationship with God and that is exactly what is happening as we prepare for our concert. Singing and enjoying our gifts appear constantly throughout the Bible and I have included a few of those quotes here. I look forward to sharing the concert with our community and to be in a place that will be brimming with joy and excitement.
“We are God's work of art created in Christ Jesus to live the good life as from the beginning God had meant us to live it." (Eph. 2: 10) This quote from Ephesians reveals the union between function and beauty in human life.
Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.( Psalms 95:1)
“and God has filled them with the Spirit of God, in wisdom and understanding, in knowledge and all manner of workmanship, to design artistic works (Exodus 35:31)
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13 )
"Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart" ~ Ephesians 5:19
"For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10) We are God's creation, fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image; creativity as a practice invites us to draw closer to our Creator.
Teresa Pascoe
APRIM (Assistant Principal, Religious Identity and Mission)
This week we welcomed back Ms Dingle from her exciting adventures. This means our Library will be open again from 8.30am Mon-Thurs. We have certainly missed you!
Our library will once again open on certain lunch times to provide a quiet place for activities. The roster of events is posted on the Library window.
Teresa Pascoe
Not may sleeps to go until we will be treading the boards at the Capri Cinema.
Permission Forms
Each student received a permission form this week. To enable us to book buses etc. the notes are required back to class teachers no later than FRIDAY 20th October.
Ticket Design Winners
Congratulations to Olivia Trayhorn and Sophie Buckley, their designs won our ticket competition, we had many wonderful entries and it was a very difficult choice for the judging staff. Each winner will receive 2 free tickets to share with their family.
You will see their artwork when tickets are sent home in the coming week.
Ticket Information
This week each family received information about purchasing tickets. The information explained that families are able to purchase 4 tickets per family via the QKR App. CTK students do not need to purchase a ticket.
Adults $15
School Aged Students $7.50
Under 5 Year Free
Due to compliance with numbers each audience member must have a ticket. This is especially important for toddlers and babies who may be sitting in a parent’s lap. They will not pay for a ticket but must indicate via QKR that they are attending and a ticket will be issued for them.
Term 3 music was so much fun in the JAM room with our new Orff instruments. We have been discovering activities which blend narrative, dynamics, composition and improvisation.
We've also been rehearsing our concert songs for the upcoming while school concert "An Evening on Broadway". Miss Pynor has been polishing choreography and acting with the junior years classes and our wonderful hosts...more will be revealed. The concert is coming up at the Capri Cinema in week 3.....Hope you have got your tickets!
Congratulation to our amazing Festival Choir (pictured here with a proud Mr Young) who represented CTK at the Catholic Schools Festival of Music at the Festival Theatre on the last Friday night of Term 3. What a show! Our choir were true professional performers on SA's biggest stage along with 350 other singers and also bands, soloists and other support acts. In addition to the CTK festival choir being onstage our very own Mr Matt Perry was a compere for two of the nights and did an amazing job! Go CTK!
We have some great weather for outdoor activities in PE coming in term 4 and games like Tee Ball and Tennis are sure to be seen on the oval and courts. Summer time games are fantastic for small ball coordination development activities. We have one SACPSSA Carnival remaining for 2023 which is Athletics. This carnival features a small selected team from years 3,4,5 and 6 and take place at SANTOS Stadium in week 4. Enjoy the sunshine!

Important Dates
Reception Transition Visits 20/10 - 8/12
Assembly - Year 3
Christ the King School Concert
Assembly - Year 1
Assembly - Year 2
2024 Reception Parent Evening
CTK Carols Evening
End of School Mass
Term 4 Final day for students
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
CTK Calendar

CTK School Calendar can now be accessed through the Audiri App.
Ice blocks are back in Term 4.
Tuesday in the Cafe at Lunchtime.
$1 each