Term 3, Week 2 2024
Hello Friends
I hope that the semester break was a time for you and your family to reconnect and enjoy some family time together.
Bikes at School
Students are encouraged to use the bike enclosure at school now, rather than the sports shed to store bikes during the school day. Encourage a chain to be used in this area during school hours.
Playground works
I am pleased to report that the playground works have begun with demolition and removal of our existing playground taking place on Monday 29 July. Students were most excited to see the excavator at work removing the playground equipment and clearing the playground space. Some construction of the playground equipment has already occurred and will be installed on site, while other pieces of equipment will be constructed whilst on site. Make sure that you walk past the playground to see progress over the coming weeks. The playground should take approximatley 5 weeks to contsruct.
At our last board meeting (3 July) , uniform feedback from the school community was discussed at length and our updated designs have now arrived. They are currently on display in the front office area and at our next board meeting which occurs on 7 August, final designs will be examined. The uniforms will then be displayed around the school as they were earlier in Term 2. New uniform sales are expected by Tern 4, 2024 with a 12-month ‘phase in’ period.
Motorist behaviour and Students Safety
I remind motorists once again, about road safety and the safety of children and community members. PLEASE REFRAIN from stopping in the middle of surrounding streets to drop children off or collect children from school. This practice is unsafe for children and causes traffic congestion. SA Police patrols and Marion Council Inspectors are frequenting our school and surround streets.
Computers are magnificent tools for the realization of our dreams, but no machine can replace the human spark of spirit, compasion, love and understanding.
Thanks and Blessings,
Matt Perry
What is a sacrament?
I pepper my newsletter with reminders, congratulations, invitations etc. to join our Sacramental Program. I am aware that for some the word ‘Sacrament’ is not familiar.
Within our faith “The Sacraments are the manifestation of the Father’s tenderness and love towards each of us” (Pope Francis). We see them as points in out lives when God is closest to us through prayer and actions.
Our parish (St Jospeh’s, Brighton) work closely with me to present, support preparation and plan ceremonies for our students to receive the sacraments.
Parents who are interested or curious are invited to have a chat with me about the process and learn about changes that have taken place in the recent past. These changes make the process look different from when many adults received their Sacraments of Initiation and sometimes cause confusion. A chat with me often clears up any confusion and/or answers a myriad of questions.
Baptism: (often referred to as a Christening in past years), any family that wishes to have their child or themselves baptised is invited to have a chat with me and then through the parish. Preparation can be with me at school or with a parish representative. Children based baptism takes place on a Saturday morning at St Jospeh’s Church, Brighton.
Reconciliation: (once called Confession) is offered to Yr4 (and older), students and involves the parent/s and child preparing in small group sessions for the reconciliation liturgy in Term 3 or Term 4.
Confirmation: is offered to students in Yr5 onwards who have received their 1st Reconciliation. Parents and students form small groups and prepare for these most holy of ceremonies.
First Communion: Students who have completed their preparation and received their Baptism, Reconciliation and Confirmation are invited to prepare for their First Communion.
The other sacraments that we are invited to participate in are: Holy Orders, Marriage, Anointing of the Sick (once called the Lat Rites).
With much joy we congratulate our recent First Communicants who received their First Communion last weekend. It was a wonderful occasion for the students, their families, staff and wider community.
A very BIG ‘Thank You’ to all the families who have donated warm clothing to our Vinnies Winter Appeal. The generosity of our community was once again on show. Our local Vinnies Chapter were very appreciative and will use the items for local families and ongoing good works.
Prayer Using Images and Symbols
For centuries Christians have used senses to remind themselves of the God who created them. Nature and art can speak to our senses of God’s presence. Candles, crosses and holy mages can help us to see God in a new way and to experience what they remind us of. They can also be the focus for our meditation and contemplation.
Teresa Pascoe
Assistant Principal, Religious Identity and Mission

Absentee Notification
If your student is away sick please ensure you complete the Absentee Form on Audiri or call the absentee line as this information goes directly to administration for student recording.
Emailing or sending a SeaSaw message to the teacher is not the correct means of reporting an absentee. These messages don't always come through to the office.
You will recieve a txt message advising of absentee if it has not been recieved by the correct means.
Change of Details
Reminder if you have moved house, changed jobs, changed phone numbers or email to please let the office now your new details.
You can do this easily via the Audiri App -
- Forms Tab
- Change of Details
- Fill in the efrom
- Hit submit
This year Book Week will take place on the week of 19-23rd August. That is WEEK 5 of TERM 3 The theme for 2024 is ‘Reading is Magic”. Following tradition we will begin the week with our Annual Book Week Character Parade- 19th August 9am. At Christ the King we encourage all students and staff to dress up as a character from a book they have read, or a character inspired by the theme. Each student who dresses up will enter a raffle for a Dymocks book voucher. We do not hold a ‘best’ costume competition at CTK, rather having students enjoy being involved instead of competing.
Families are encouraged to borrow or make costumes, families should not feel the need to purchase or hire elaborate costumes for the day. Further information and suggestions will follow by the term’s end to help with costumes. In the meantime I encourage you to talk to family and friends, share costumes, borrow items, and visit OP-Shops for items that can be cut up, repurposed or tacked together to make effective and fun outfits
Our 2024 Challenge is coming quickly to a close. Please ensure that all forms are returned to CLASSROOM TEACHERS before the end of August, this helps us have all information inputted before the September deadline.
This wonderful science day out is on again.
Teresa Pascoe

Friday 2nd August 2024
Wear a touch of Green or Gold to celebrate our Olympians.
Gold coin donation on the day
Examples of what you can wear:
- Hair ties
- Ribbons
- Socks
- Tie
- Hat
- Sweat bands
** Students are required to be in full school uniform, including shoes **

Chess Mates
Thursday mornings in the hall
8:00am - 8:45am
Starting Week 1, Term 2
$13 per lesson
Book in anytime and only pay for the remaining weeks
Register on the link below:
If you'd like to know more about Chess Mates visit them at:

LEGO® Announcement Video
Last term, we held an exciting competition where a child’s art was turned into a LEGO® model. We are excited to feature a behind-the-scenes video of the legendary Brickman building the winner's LEGO® model, making their dream come true.
Big Art Fridays
I am delighted to share some parent feedback about Big Art Fridays, which has been overwhelmingly positive, with enjoyment ratings increasing significantly from the previous term. We look forward to continuing to provide engaging and enriching experiences for children. You can read more about it here:
Big Art Comp Term 3:
Our Big Art competition winners in term 3 will walk away wearing a one-of-a-kind hoodie with their art on it! This is a fantastic opportunity for children to showcase their creativity and be recognised for their artistic talents.
Insight Series
A reminder that our recent Insight Series provided valuable information for school leaders. Watch the recording of the Insight Series on AI in Education with Louka Parry and Amanda Bickerstaff here
Our New Website Has Launched!
We launched a refreshed look with a new family resource hub, extended search options, and more great features! We are committed to providing families with the best possible experience, and our new website is just one of the many ways we worked to support our community.
Where Little Hearts Grow Big!
We are excited to launch our new campaign, Where Little Hearts Grow Big, aimed at showcasing the very real and positive impact OSHC can have on a child’s life. This campaign highlights how OSHC nurtures young hearts and minds, fostering growth, learning, and positive development.