Term 2, Week 8 2024
Hello Friends
As I write this newsletter piece, there is one sleep until our Yr 6 class head off to Canberra for their trip away. They will meet at 4:30am on Wednesday, 19 June and return at approximately 8:45pm Friday, 21 June. In Canberra they will visit the Australian Institute of Sport, Parliament House, the War Memorial, among other fabulous monuments and venues. I take this opportunity to thank the school community for their support of the fundraising opportunities such as the ‘frog in a pond’ jelly cups that were on offer last term and early this term. Thank you to our Yr 6 parents who helped with all of our fundraising efforts. My thanks to Niamh McKeough and Anne Marie for the planning of the trip and Anne Marie and Meri Blake for attending the trip away.
I am able to provide an update to the school community as to the commencement of the works for our new playground space. Initial works are due to commence on 15 July and it will take approximately 5 weeks for the completion of the playground space. The playground area will be out of bounds during construction work however students will be able to witness the works that are taking place through the temporary fencing. I am not envisaging any changes to entry and exit points for before school or after school or for families who utilise OSHC services via the Walkley Tce gate.
Parking around School
Once again there is a need for me to remind parents and motorists about responsible behaviour around our school at pick up and drop off times regarding parking. Please observe yellow clearway zones, parking across residents’ driveways, as well as stopping in the middle of the road to drop off or collect children from school. These behaviours are not only illegal, but also dangerous for children and community members. SAPOL patrols and Council Inspectors are now frequenting our school at these times. For families using Uber or other ride sharing companies to drop children at school, please ensure that the vehicle stops on the school side of the road so children do not need to cross any road unaccompanied.
Mobile Phones
A friendly reminder that our classrooms and learning spaces are a mobile free zone. If mobile phones need to be used or accessed while community members are on site, please do so outside of the classroom and learning spaces. This is an important part of our student safety strategies. Thanks for your cooperation in this area.
Parent and Friends
Our Parents and Friends have some exciting fundraising opportunities and experiences coming up so please be on the lookout for flyers that will provide information to these great events.
“Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.” – J.K Rowling
Thanks and Blessings
Matt Perry
As the weather turns bitter and we begin to see the rain clouds my mind turns to those not as fortunate as us. Vinnies have once again reminded us of those they help, those in need of warmth, shelter and nourishment.
As a community I invite you to become involved in our Annual Winter Appeal.
This week each family will receive a bag that can be filled with warm winter clothing or blankets that our local chapter of Vinnies can give to needy families. The need for coats and warm jumpers is always gladly welcomed.
The appeal comes at the right time of the year. Many of us use the Winter Break to have a clean out of our wardrobes making room for new coats for growing children.
Bags can be returned to the school hall anytime up to the end of Week 1 of Term 3.
I thank you for considering being involved and building our family of care for others.
Pray With A Friend
There is power in agreement when we pray in Jesus’ name. When I have an urgent need to take before God I will often call a friend to pray with me. Joining a group, saying a rosary with others can often provide the impetus for prayer or the comfort needed.
Teresa Pascoe
Assistant Principal, Religious Identity and Mission
This year Book Week will take place on the week of 19-23rd August. That is WEEK 5 of TERM 3 The theme for 2024 is ‘Reading is Magic”. Following tradition we will begin the week with our Annual Book Week Character Parade- 19th August 9am. At Christ the King we encourage all students and staff to dress up as a character from a book they have read, or a character inspired by the theme. Each student who dresses up will enter a raffle for a Dymocks book voucher. We do not hold a ‘best’ costume competition at CTK, rather having students enjoy being involved instead of competing.
Families are encouraged to borrow or make costumes, families should not feel the need to purchase or hire elaborate costumes for the day. Further information and suggestions will follow by the term’s end to help with costumes. In the meantime I encourage you to talk to family and friends, share costumes, borrow items, and visit OP-Shops for items that can be cut up, repurposed or tacked together to make effective and fun outfits
Our challenge is well underway, and all students are encouraged to be involved.
Our Library is open before school 8.30-8.45am Monday- Thursday for borrowing. Each week, each class, also visits the library at an allotted time to borrow.
If a student wishes to read a book not from our Library they can check to see if it is on the list at the following link.
Teresa Pascoe
Now interviewing for Reception Term 3 2025 and Term 1 2026 enrolments.
Please ensure siblings applications have been lodged to avoid dissappointment.
Review our school
Thanks to all the parents who participated in our 2024 Parent Satisfaction Sruvey. The results from this survey will help us continue to deliver quality education for our school community.
If you would like to add a public comment about our school on Google Reviews, feel free to click this link and add your comments.
