Term 2, Week 6 2024
Hello Friends
Samui – is the Japanese word for cold. The cold weather is certainly upon us, and I remind families that if children are symptomatic with winter coughs, colds or illness, please keep them at home for rest or medical treatment. Winter also provides the perfect opportunity to sit down somewhere warm with your child and share a book or story.
Early Pick Ups
Over the past few weeks we have noticed an increase in the number of students who are leaving school early. Obviously if children have medical appointments or similar, we can arrange for them to be in the office ready for collection. Learning time in the classroom is important for all of our students and I ask for early collections or early finishes to be kept to a ‘needs basis’. Thank you for your support in this area.
Council Inspectors
I remind families and motorists that Marion Council is actively patrolling the streets surrounding the school and issuing expiation notices for parking in restricted zones and double parking to drop children off or collect children. To avoid being fined, please park in appropriate spaces. Thanks for helping to keep our children and community members safe.
New Playground
It is with excitement that I can inform the school community that our new playground will be built at school. This is a great thing for the children. Our existing playground has served the school well and we look forward to many years of fun with our new playground structure. An image of the playground is below. Children and staff had the opportunity to give input into the new playground and the playground manufacturer was impressed with our feedback and consultation process. Our SRC members worked with me and communicated with their peers to come up with the design. I will keep the community informed as to the build dates for the playground.
Donations for the Sandpit
The sandpit is a popular place at recess and lunch times here at school. The imaginative activities and sand sculptures that take place is amazing. If you have a old saucepans, fry pans etc that you no longer need, feel free to donate them to us. These items will be gratefully received and used excitedly by the children. Donations can be made via the front office.
“By changing nothing, nothing changes.” — Tony Robbins
Thanks and Blessings
Matt Perry

In our church we have moved out of the Season of Easter and into Ordinary Time. Far from being ‘ordinary’ this time is the weeks when we look closely at the deep teaching of Jesus. We hear the parables and Jesus’ explanation of his message.
Ordinary Time derives its name from “ordinal” because these Sundays are given ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc). Next week is therefore the ‘10th Sunday in Ordinary Time’.
Ordinary time will continue until the end of the church’s year. The year finishes with an important date for us-The Feast of Christ the King’. The new year commences with the season of Advent which usually fall in the last week of November or first week of December.
During Ordinary time we will celebrate many feast days, solemnities and memorials.
We congratulate our Yr5 students who received their Confirmation at St Joseph’s Church last Thursday. Their preparation was obvious in their answers and their excitement on the night.
May they hold the love for Jesus Christ in their heart forever and spread it to everyone they meet in this lifetime.
Ask For Forgiveness
In the Bible we are reminded that if we want our prayers to be heard, our hearts need to be right with God and one another. If you feel your prayers are not sitting right with you think about a time to say sorry and ask for forgiveness, God always grants it.
Teresa Pascoe
Assistant Principal, Religious Identity and Mission

Our challenge is well underway, and all students are encouraged to be involved.
Our Library is open before school 8.30-8.45am Monday- Thursday for borrowing. Each week, each class, also visits the library at an allotted time to borrow.
If a student wishes to read a book not from our Library they can check to see if it is on the list at the following link.
Teresa Pascoe
Absentee Notification
If your student is away sick please ensure you complete the Absentee Form on Audiri or call the absentee line as this infomrtion goes directly to administration for studnet recording. Emailing or sending a SeaSaw message to the teacher is not the correct means of reporting an absentee. You will recieve a txt message advising of absentee if it has not been recieved by the correct means.
Students taking holidays during school term
A school exemption form needs to be completed and signed by Mr Perry if you are wanting to take leave during school term. This form can be collected from the office.
Now interviewing for Reception Term 3 2025 and Term 1 2026 enrolments.
Please ensure siblings applications have been lodged to avoid dissappointment.
Issue 4 is here!
Book Club provides a fantastic opportunity to encourage regular reading and to offer great value to families.
Families who ordered books on Issue 3 can spend the $5 promo code they earned on Issue 4. Plus, they will get another $5 promo code to spend on Issue 5!

The Rotary Club of Somerton Park in partnership with the City of Holdfast Bay are holding a Youth Photographic Exhibition at the Bay Discovery Centre during September and October 2024.
We are inviting all local children in Holdfast Bay to get creative and submit photographs that reflect our local Nature and Environment to be included in the exhibition.
All entries must live or attend a school in Holdfast Bay, be in Reception - Year 6 and have parental/ guardian consent to enter.
Registrations are open between Sunday 2 June – Friday 2 August 2024 and great prizes are up for grabs in two categories for both Reception – Year 2 students and Year 3 to Year 6 students.
- First Prize - $200
- Second Prize - $100
- Third Prize - $60
For more information or to enter visit: holdfast.sa.gov.au/YPE