Week 3, Term 1 2024
Hello Friends
What a burst of Summer we had on Monday. I hope you managed to stay cool and hydrated. Students are experiencing their classroom routines now and are getting into the groove of their new year levels.
You may have noticed some more bench seating in the courtyard and it’s great to see parent and families sitting on the benches and enjoying a chat and each other’s company before and after school.
Remember that our Café is open on Friday mornings from 8.20am – 8.45am for a cuppa. Feel free to join us at that time.
We are awaiting the arrival of our new uniform garments (prototypes) from our uniform supplier, Belgravia. Once these garments arrive, we will have them on display in our school office and school courtyard for feedback and consultation. As mentioned last year in previous newsletters, we are looking to phase this new uniform in from Term 4 this year. In the meantime, I ask that students come to school in the correct uniform. At the moment, there are a number of children wearing sneakers with the school uniform. Also, please ensure students are wearing the correct colour of socks with the uniform they are wearing for that day, and their school hat.
We are planning for the current playground to be replaced at the end of Term 2. We are awaiting some final design concepts, which the students will have some input into, and then we will allow for 2 to 4 weeks of removal of the old equipment and construction of the new one. In the meantime, it’s great to see families utilising this space after school and I remind everybody that children must be supervised by an adult when they are playing in this area.
Sports Day
We will soon be in preparing and practising for our Sports Day which occurs on 15 March at Sacred Heart College Senior – Somerton Park. We are currently seeking some volunteers to help with the sausage sizzle on Sports Day. If you can spare any time on the day to help, please let the office know.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Our Parent Teacher interviews for Term 1 are scheduled to occur from 2 April to 12 April. Online booking information will be sent to families in the second half of this term.
“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
Thanks and Blessings
Matt Perry
This week we begin the season of Lent with the Feast of Ash Wednesday.
Many Christians attend an Ash Wednesday service at their church, our community came together with prayer and the distribution of Ashes.. During this service we received the ashes in a cross sign on our forehead. The ashes are gathered from the burning of the palms from the previous year's Palm Sunday.
Christians often fast on Ash Wednesday. They are allowed to have one full meal and two smaller meals, but many fast for the day on bread and water. They also do not eat meat on this day. In addition to fasting, Christians often give up something for Lent as an offer of sacrifice, we are encouraged in our modern church to ‘TAKE SOMETHING UP’. Whilst the giving up of something for the 40 days of Lent has not been abandoned, the modern church believes that Jesus called us to act not to go without.
Some of the things we may take up are: be more aware of other on the road and allow the driver in, say ‘hello’ to a stranger each day, say a prayer at the beginning of each day.
During the Ash Wednesday service each family received the traditional collection box. In the past families have placed small change in the box or money that they would have used when giving items up (e.g. morning coffee, ice cream after swimming lesson.) In keeping with modern times families may also donate electronically with details provided. These boxes can be displayed prominently within the home and returned to school during Holy week or the final 2 weeks of the school term.
The parish of St Joseph’s will commission our staff in their role as the educators of our community at the parish mass on Sunday 25th February, 10am. All members of the community are invited to witness the blessing and commissioning.
Teresa Pascoe
Assistant Principal, Religious Identity and Mission
NAPLAN Testing 2024
NAPLAN assessments for students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9, will be scheduled from 13–25 March 2024.
At Christ the King, we are dedicated to preparing your child for these assessments and using them as one of many tools to understand and support each student's learning journey. Recognising that while NAPLAN is an important assessment, it will be just one of the various resources we use to evaluate your child's progress.
Please note that an exact timetable for your child’s participation in the NAPLAN tests will be provided closer to the testing window. This schedule will detail the specific dates and times for each test.
In preparation for NAPLAN, a practice test will be conducted towards the end of February. This is an opportunity for students to familiarise themselves with the format of the assessments and for us to ensure that they feel comfortable and confident in taking the tests.
Included in this newsletter is a parent fact sheet about NAPLAN, providing essential information about the tests, including their nature, what they assess, and how the results can be interpreted and used.
We understand that assessments can be a source of anxiety for some students, and we are here to support your child through this period. If you have any questions or concerns about the NAPLAN assessments or if you would like to discuss your child's participation and support, please feel free to contact us.
Emma Heinrich
Leader of Learning and Inclusion
Each class has a specific borrowing day when their class teacher will visit the Library with their students. Students and parents are also able to borrow and/or return before school Mon-Thus 8.30-8.45.
- Students in R-2 borrow 2 books at a time
- Students in 3-5 borrow 3 books at a time.
Parents who wish to borrow may do so on their child’s name. (Robyn Dingle or myself will assist parents to borrow over their child’s limit.)
Each student from Reception to Yr 2 is required to use a library bag when borrowing. A bag capable of holding a picture books is recommended.
· A lined library bag is preferable to guard against leaks, spills and squashed fruit.
We use a separate bag to the communication bag to avoid any confusion between class books, readers and Library books. Having 2 separate bags allows parents and students to easily locate and return books etc. to the library and not accidently into the class library and reader boxes.
Each student from Y2-6 requires a set of headphones. These are used to support individual one to one learning on IT devices, enhances focus, allows online testing to take place and aids the production of creative pieces-recording, filming, editing etc.
It is recommended that OVEREAR headphones are provided as ‘earbud’ type headphones are uncomfortable (even painful), do not tend to cut out background noise effectively and are easily lost or left plugged into a device.
Students are unable to use BLUETOOTH headphones in a school setting as the logistic and time of turning on/off Blutooth, finding the matched device and staying connected dramatically decreases the successful testing and learning of the student.
Teresa Pascoe
Please ensure you have the Audiri App downloaded. This app is used as a form of communication to get informtion to families without having to clog up your emails and then things get lost.
We have just updated and corrected all families onto the app to ensure you are recieving up to date information and news regarding your students year levels and whole school events.
Forms section - here you can do all kinds of things without leaving the couch.
- Absentee from school - to be entered here, comes straight through to admin no need to call or email
- Change of details - update your phone number, address, email
- Medication Management
- Permission Updates
Events section - this is where we will upload upcoming events so you can save them to your calender and never forget an event again.
Groups section - this is where you ask for permission to be added to a year level. We will automatcially move your student up a year level at the end of each year.
You can downlaod the app at: audiri.com.au
Parents whom don't have the app would have been sent an invite today to join. If you have any questions please contact me or pop into the office.

Our digging pit and sandpit would love a new collection of tools. Preloved saucepans, frypans, pots and metal bowls would be gratefully received. Any metal kitchen implements or thick plastic bowls will also find a home. Any donations can be dropped off at the Front Office or the APRIM Office.
Thank you.
On Thursday 29th February 2024, to commemorate the leap year this year we will recognise it as a school by wearing a touch of green. Eg: hair ties, socks, wrist bands, ties, shoe laces.
Full school uniform is still to be worn.
Important Dates
Sports Day
Harmony Day
Good Friday - Public Holiday
Easter Monday - Public Holiday
Last Day Term 1 - 2024
Pupil Free Day
ANZAC DAY - Public Holiday
First Day Term 2 2024
Kings Birthday - Public Holiday
Last Day Term 2 - 2024
Pupil Free Day
First Day Term 3 2024
Last Day Term 3 - 2024
Pupil Free Day
First Day Term 4 2024
Last Day Term 4 - 2024
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
Upcoming Events
See All EventsCabra Dominican College - Year 7, 2025 Orientation Day & Year 7, 2026 applications closing date

Thats Dancing offering CTK students new to the studio 20% discount on Term 1 fees 2024
