Term 2 Week 2 2023
Hello Friends,
I think it’s safe to say that the cooler weather is certainly with us. We continue to monitor the UV rating for the day at school which fluctuates from day to day. To alleviate any confusion, students will be required to wear their hat for outside play and activities until the end of May. We will update families closer to this date as to the hat requirements after 31 May. Thanks for your ongoing support.
Year 5 and Year 6 Camp
Last week I had the pleasure of attending the camp at Port Hughes with the Year 5 and Year 6 students. I compliment them on their representation of Christ the King School. They demonstrated our school values and in particular, resilience and persistence. Each student challenged themselves in some way when it came to camp activities and living ‘independently’ during the camp. I thank Anne Marie Hall and Gloria Camilleri for coordinating the camp and attending the camp, as well as Tereasa Pascoe and Bryant for attending camp also.
Parent Teacher Conversations
These conversations will take place in Week 6 and Week 7 this term. June 5 thru until June 16. Our ‘late night interviews’ will be Wednesday 14 June. These conversations will provide a valuable insight as to how students are tracking in the classroom and will be a great segway to reports that are due home to families at the end of this semester.
School Board Talk
As families may be aware, our CTK School Board meets twice a term and discusses the governance of the school. In coming newsletters there will be a section of the newsletter called ‘Board Talk’. In this section of the newsletter, we can share some of the content of meetings and discussion points for the board. Our first meeting for this term is May 10. I thank our Board members on your behalf for their work and support of our school. Our Board Members are: Fr Michael, Bec Smith, Damian Partridge, Jane Kelb, Jonathan Carr, Jason Gunther, Krista Spencer and Orla Matthews. Staff Members are Matt Young (Staff Rep) and Matt Perry. In our Week 4 newsletter, I can share with community members, Board Positions as these will be voted on at our first meeting.
"One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world." — Malala Yousafzai.
Thanks and Blessings
Matt Perry
We continue to travel through the season of Easter and this is evident in our foyer display and the sacred spaces within the classrooms. We are called to share the joy of the news that Christ has Risen and all the wonders that brings. Here at school, we continue to see the joy around us from the Yr5/6s camp stories to the creation of precious things for our mums ready for Sunday.
Last Friday Fr Michael joined us for mass and reminded us that God is with us everywhere we go, and we are thankful for that presence. He asked the students what was the best thing about God and the most insightful answer was “God loves me all the time’. May the wonder of Easter and God’s presence brighten your days in the coming week.
During the recent school holidays 2 of our students joined the family of God through Baptism.
Samuel Toll and Blake Freeman spent time preparing and discerning Baptism and were welcomed by Fr Michael at St Joseph’s Church, Brighton. We welcome the boys and join in praying for you both.
The work of Project Compassion is a major pillar of the season of Lent but the work doesn’t disappear during Easter. Donations can still be sent into school this week and be added to our communities contribution. At school we will highlight others who need our support to build dignity and basic needs such as food, water security and warm clothing as the year goes on.
One area of support was the cake stall organised by a small group of Yr 4 girls. They managed to raise nearly $150 dollars to donate. Congratulations girls for showing us Catholic Social Teachings at its finest and the families who supported the stall.
Currently a group of Yr 5 and Yr 6 students are preparing for their Confirmation and First Communion. Their preparation follows their work in Term 4 2022 preparing for Reconciliation. I know you join with me to pray for them and wish them a most successful period of preparation.
Students in Yr4-6 who wish to begin the process will be offered enrolment in the fist stage- Reconciliation in Term 3 this year.
Teresa Pascoe
Assistant Principal
(APRIM Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission)
We are in the middle of this year’s challenge. New books are always being added to the Library shelves and borrowing can take place before school 8.30am and during lunchtimes on Tuesday and Thursday. Students are encouraged to complete their challenge and return them to the CLASRROOM Box.
During scheduled lunchtimes the library opens for quiet activities. The marble run, train set and foam blocks get a real workout. If you are involved in a clean out at anytime and would like to donate partner games- Guess Who, Uno, Connect Four etc. to an appreciative group of students ,we would love your donations. Just drop them off in the APRIM Office anytime during the year.
Our library is always looking for clean preloved picture books and novels. Books donated will have a donation plaque placed in the front in recognition. Currently we are looking for books to stock class libraires, we are especially looking for series and books by the same author. We are also on the lookout for mysteries- Secret Seven, Hardy Boys etc. that have been rereleased with modern covers.
Teresa Pascoe
Literacy Changes at CTK
We have begun using a new phonics program in our R-1 classes this year and as soon as the resources arrive, we will be implementing it in our Year 2 class.
The program is a researched based resource that has been created by author, teacher and researcher Wiley Blevins. Wiley is currently working with CESA as a critical friend to support Phonics teaching across all Catholic schools in SA. As this is a new program to our school, we have been working with our JP parents to help them understand what the program includes and how it can improve our current data and cater for students of all learning abilities.
We know that changes can cause some parent wonder and questions, however we have not made the decision to change our phonics program lightly and have each child's progress and learning at the front of our minds all the time.
We ask all parents to come and see us if they would like to discuss our new direction, learn more or have a look at their child's workbook. This is important so that we don't have mixed messages floating amongst the community that can become confusing or worrying for others. We look forward to sharing more information about our Literacy changes across the school as the year progresses and celebrating your child's successes with you.
Emma Heinrich
Leader of Learning and Inclusion

Madison – “Snorkelling was very cold but really liked it. We saw squid and other fascinating things.”
Matildah.P. – “Snorkelling which was cold at first but very enjoyable. Snorkelling under the jetty we saw some squid, fish and a crab.”
Sam.T – “My favourite thing on camp was sleep because I was exhausted after all the hard work.”
Kyah – “Quiz night was my favourite part. It was a slow start, but we succeeded in the quiz night. Winning second place and were awarded two cool items from the treasure chest.”
Vibha – “Ha!HeHe!! Quiz night was hilarious, so it was one of my favourite activities during camp.”
Atticus – “Sea combing was great because we got to see some sea creatures like crabs and starfish. The lolly shop was my favourite.”
Addison – “At camp my favourite thing was snorkelling because I thought it was fun even though I got a bit scared. I was consistent and didn’t quit like a few people did.”
Gurmehar – “The best thing about camp was the beach combing because Amy, Felix and I found a huge sea sponge. I didn’t get wet, but I was cold.”
Josh – “One of my favourite things was billy cart racing because I liked putting it together and solving puzzles to put it together.”
Willow – “I liked beach combing the best because I got to see all different shells.”
Matilda. B – “My favourite thing was the Moonta mines train ride because it was interesting to listen to the things they did and seeing all things they made.”
Christopher – “My favourite part of camp was Thursday night when we had the Talent Show and I hosted Family Feud.”
Max – “My favourite activity was beach combing because I got to search for many creatures and shells that I had never seen before.”
Amy – “My favourite part of camp was beach combing because Gurmehar, Felix and I found a sea sponge in the water and the water was cold.”
Stephanie – “The thing I enjoyed the most was beach combing because we searched most of the rock pools and I found a baby starfish.”
Macy – “My absolute favourite part about camp was beach combing because I got to hang out with my friends and finding interesting discoveries.”
Sam.C. – “Red Faces talent show because there were a lot of cool acts, and I really liked the judges.”
Lucas – “Billy cart racing because I like how I could drive the cart. There was a pusher and I had to steer with a rope.”
Izzy – “Beach combing because I found crabs, but they weren’t all alive. We found two starfish they were blue and green.”
Angus – “Red Faces concert because I joined up with Sam. C and did some cad tricks with him so that was fun.”
Teegan – “I liked sea combing because I liked looking at shells.”
Anya – “Raft building because it was challenging, and I like a challenge.”
Felix – “Beach combing because it was nice and calm, and I like jumping across rocks to find cool things.”
Krisala – “The Talent show because the comedic talents were very funny, and I liked how everyone went up and showed their amazing talents and were very brave.”
Mackenzie – “Snorkelling because it was fun. Learning to snorkel and seeing fish and seaweed on the bottom of the jetty.”
Sonia – “Billy cart constructing which was easy but a teensy bit challenging and tiring. My group did get the job done quick!”
Tawana – “Snorkelling was my favourite part of camp and even though it was cold it was really fun to be with my friends.”
Student Absences and Late Arrivals
Families are kindly asked to contact the school office before 9.30am if your child will be absent or late. Please leave the student’s name, class and the reason for the student’s absence. You can do this by:
Phoning 8198 3100 (select option 1 and leave a message)
If an absence is unexplained an automatic SMS message will be sent to parents requesting confirmation of an absence.
ALL students who arrive at school after the 8.45am bell must sign in at the Front Office.
Students who need to leave school before the 3.10pm dismissal time must be signed out in the Front Office by an adult.
Communication with the classroom teacher is required when a student:
- Is going to arrive at school late, due to a pre-arrangement
- Needs to leave before dismissal time
- Is going on a family holiday. For extended holiday’s (7 days or more) an application for exemption from school must be completed and submitted to the Principal. Forms are available from the Front Office.
- Any other pre-arranged absence.
Thank you for your assistance with this.
Congratulations, to year 5 student Matilda Bevan who has been selected in the South Australian School Sports, State Diving Team to compete at the National Championships in Sydney, August 2023. You have done Christ The King School proud and we wish you all the best at the championships!!
Important Dates
P&F Meeting
School Board Meeting
Mother's Day Stall
Reception Transition Visits 12th May - 23rd June 8.45am - 10.45am
Mother's Day High Tea 3 - 4pm CTK
Walk to School Day
Principals School Tour 9.30am
Principals School Tour 6pm
Premier Reading Challenge ends
Pupil Free Day
CTK School Photos
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
CTK Calendar

CTK School Calendar can now be accessed through the SkoolBag App.
Next Friday 19th May is National Walk Safely to School Day.
We would encourage you all to get on board and walk to school if you can. All students will receive a sticker and healthy fruit snack when they arrive at school on the day (even OSHC students).
Walk Safely to School Day asks that we all consider our transport habits and try to incorporate more walking as part of a healthy, active way to get around. And although walking all the way to school isn’t realistic for many of us, it’s quite easy to figure out how you can build a walk into your family’s daily routine.
You can teach your child the healthy habit of walking more by:
- Walking with them the whole way to school.
- If they get the bus or train, walk past your usual stop and get on at the next stop.
- If you have to drive, park the car a few blocks away from the school and walk the rest of the way.
Regular exercise like walking with your child not only helps them (and you!) beat chronic problems like obesity, heart disease, behavioural and mental health issues and diabetes. It also gives you a great opportunity to teach your child safe ways to behave around roads and traffic.
Remember, Active Kids are Healthy Kids so get planning your own Walk Safely to School Day journey for Friday 19th May 2023!

To assist families the following payments can be made on Qkr!
School Fees
Lunch Orders (available on Wednesday's)
After School Sport